The Rates and Commissions tab enables you to create company and adviser charging structures.
From the bottom menu click the Settings tab.
At the top of the screen this menu will be displayed.
Click Company then click the Rates & Commission Splits tab.
You can View, Add, Edit or Delete a charging structure. using the buttons shown below.
You can add a charging structure / split commission by clicking the grey Add button and then completing the fields on the screen shown below.
The Fee can be set onto either Fixed Fee, Percentage or Hourly.
Once you have completed all the fields click the Add Charging Structure Button.
Editing Rates & Costs
Click the blue edit button you can then edit 3 sections:
1) Charging Structures & Split Commission
2) Consultant / Consultant Group Members
3) Assign commission recipients - Setup split commissions for advisers
Assigning rates is easy, choose the adviser, or adviser group that you created earlier and add their fixed, percentage and/or hourly rate. Leave the field blank if you don’t require it.
Once you have made the required changes click the green Save button
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