The Settings tab helps you to customise, manage and organise your Adviser Cloud Portal.
From the bottom menu click the Settings tab.
Along the top of the screen the following menu will be displayed.
1) Company Settings
Company Details
Within Company Details you can edit your company address, contact details & Logo.
Note: For instructions on how to upload a new logo see separate article (Personalisation of your Adviser Cloud Portal)
Rates & Commission Splits
You can View, add, edit or delete a charging structure or split commission using the buttons shown below.
please see full article on Rates & commission splits.
2) Users
This section manages your user accounts, adviser details & groups and Introducer details.
Adviser Details can be viewed and edited within the Adviser Details tab - screen shown below.
You can also add a new adviser within here by clicking the grey New Adviser button.
User accounts can be viewed by clicking the user accounts button. A New User Account can added or edited using the buttons shown below.
Adviser Groups can be added by clicking the tab and then creating the group name & email as per the screen below.
Introducer Details can be added by clicking the tab and then the New Introducer Grey Button - located in the top right corner.
3) Admin Tools
The Audit Log keeps a record of all transactions and entries within the portal such as user login and client information updates. You can search between a time frame (Enter Start & End Date) or by a selected email and then click the green Apply Filter button.The audit log is available to help you keep a record of transactions on the system and also to record any misuse, the system audit log will never be deleted and will record all system actions.
The Recycle Bin tab contains all items you have deleted - Items can be recovered by clicking the blue Restore button next to the item you'd like to recover.
The Provider Settings tab is where you can add, view & edit provider settings.
The example below is for Nucleus, you can select any provider from the drop down list.
To edit a particular provider settings such as value or retry ID click the blue edit button next to the required entry.
Emails sent via the Adviser Cloud Portal can be viewed by clicking the View Emails tab.
4) Reminders
Items are reviewed based on their last review date, Alert days are the maximum number of days a product can be active before it needs to be reviewed, if a product has never been reviewed then the last review date is assumed to be when the product was created.
To prevent getting lots of task alerts for legacy products that may have existed for a while, i.e. Before you started using advisor cloud, then we put in thresholds to allow for products to be checked within a date range. Date Ranges are from the selected value below plus 6 months.
Example: If you select to 'Alert me regarding items that haven't been reviewed in 2 Years' then the system will check for items not reviewed between 2 and 2.5 years. If you are getting too many tasks then try changing the frequency to a lower value, like weekly or daily, this will ensure that you are getting items on a daily basis.
If you're still getting more Tasks than you can handle on a daily basis, then we can put a limit threshold in, which will only give you x tasks a day, but that means that the rest will remain unallocated in the system.
People Tasks
Product Review Tasks
Product Maturity Tasks
5) Functionality
Documents settings
Settings for document files and folders
Business Checklist settings
There are many more settings in addition to the ones shown above!
You can turn ON or OFF each item of the business checklist as required.
6) Data
Contact Log
Product Types
Status Types
7) Plugins
Plugins required can be installed via the plugins tab - Select required plug in by clicking tab and the following screen will be displayed.
A Firm Key & Password will be displayed for you.
Note: For a full guide on Plugin installation please see separate article:
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