Click the Accounts tab at the bottom of your screen.
Provider Statements
Viewing Statements
Click Provider Statements tab followed by View Statements button.
A list of all statements will be displayed as shown below.
The blue Commands tab allows you to perform actions for that item - Including: Re-Process, Mark as Reconciled / Paid, Mark as Archived or Remove / Delete.
You can view statements by year or status by clicking one of the tabs shown below i.e. Y_2016 would show you statements for the year 2016.
Manually input a Statement
Click Provider Statements tab followed by Statement - Manual input button
The following screen will be displayed - Enter required information and click blue Add Item button followed by green Process Statement button.
Upload a Statement
Click Provider Statements tab followed by Statement - Upload button
The following screen will be displayed - follow steps to upload and provide a valid file to upload and then click green Import button.
Retrieve a statement from Nucleus
To Retrieve a statement from Nucleus follow these steps:
1. Log into your Nucleus Portal
2. Download the CSV with commissions
View Transactions
Transactions can be viewed by All or by Customer
All Transactions are shown as below
Transactions view by people - click select a person box
Type in name of required person and then red Choose Selected Person button
Click the blue Show Transactions button - Transactions are shown as below.
View all Invoices
You can easily view all your invoices by going to the Invoicing tab and clicking View Invoices.
The following screen will be displayed. Showing the status of each invoice as Paid or Unpaid.
You can easily search through your invoices using these buttons:
You can view invoices by the following category tabs (Show All, Unpaid, Overdue, Credit, Written Off, Paid)
You can create a paid receipt on active invoices by clicking the red Reports button and then Paid Receipt from the drop down.
Create a New Invoice
You can add a new invoice to a person or a company by clicking the New Invoice Tab.
Complete all fields shown below then the blue Add Item button followed by the green Save button (you can also view the invoice as a PDF) by clicking the view pdf button.
Complete all fields shown below then the blue Add Item button followed by the green Save button (you can also view the invoice as a PDF) by clicking the view pdf button.
Below is an example PDF of an invoice.
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