The view Pension & Investment product screens have now been re-improved to fit in with modern technologies and the needs of financial advisers. We have included a set of new modules in the new pension screen including: New Details Module, Money In / Money Out, Documents, Notes, Fund Portfolio and New Asset / value charts.
New Details Module
The new pension & investment screens now contains a new details module that contains only the most relevant details for a pension product.
Money In / Money Out
The new money in / money out module allows you to add contributions and withdrawals to a product that can be easily managed from within a product record.
click here for more information.
The new documents module allows you to add and view any documents for the current product.
The new notes module allows you to add notes directly to the view product page so that any notes added to a pension or investment product can be visible when you first view the product.
Fund Portfolio
The fund portfolio allows you to view the currently selected funds for a product, from here you can manage your portfolio by simply clicking the edit button.
Asset and Value Charts
asset allocation chart
The asset allocation chart shows a breakdown of the number of units distributed between each type of asset.
Value allocation chart
The value allocation chart shows a breakdown of the amount invested into each fund.
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