The Adviser Cloud Fact Find Function
Adviser Cloud boasts a 20 stage modular fact find, which can be customised the way you want it. Fact Find invitations can be emailed to potential customers at the click of a button and your customers can fill in your fact find and see a PDF snapshot, all from their home
Send an Invitation to a client via email
Click to Fact Find Tab to begin
Click the Invite to Fact Find button
The Screen below will be displayed - complete all the relevant information and then click the Green Invite button.
Once the green Invite button has been clicked the following screen will appear showing the Contact Log with details. The client will be sent an email with an invitation to complete a fact find.
Here is an example of how the email to the client will look:
Working with Fact Find's
Create New
To create a new fact find click the fact find tab along the bottom of the screen then click New Fact Find
Search for a clients current fact find
Use these buttons to search through all the pages of fact finds
Or Search using the client name
View a PDF of a Fact Find
To view a client fact find simply click the view pdf button on the relevant client name within the fact find section of Adviser Cloud.
Continue to complete a Fact Find
To continue with an in progress fact find - click the blue Continue button
Remove a Fact Find
To Remove a fact find (to Archive) Simply click the red Remove button on the relevant client within the fact find section of Adviser Cloud
Sample of a Fact Find
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