Below is information on how to complete sections on the Advice Register Report in order to extract required data from the Adviser Cloud system into a report format.
Date Client Contact Received - Add an entry to the contact log for the client with the contact type as Client Contact Received, the date of contact will be the report field.
Date of Client Visit- Add an entry to the contact log for the client with the contact type as Client Visit, the date of contact will be the report field.
Adviser Name – The consultant selected when adding each person, can be edited by pressing edit on the client.
Source of Business – The lead source field when adding a client or the How did they hear about us field on the edit person screen.
Client Name – Added when a client is added.
Client Type – Defaults to Retail – Currently not an input method on Adviser Cloud.
Platform Name – Provider selected when adding the product, can be edited by pressing edit on the specific product.
Policy Type – The type of policy that was selected when adding the product in the type of investment field. Can be edited by pressing edit on the specific product.
Fund Manager – Not Currently available in Adviser Cloud.
Premium Amount – Regular investment field when adding an investment, monthly payment field when adding a Mortgage, premium field when adding an Assurance, premium field when adding a Pension, Retirement doesn’t have a field, monthly premium field when adding an Equity Release. All fields are editable on the edit product screens.
Premium Lump Sum – Initial Contributions and top ups totalled together.
- Lump Sum for investments are initial investment field + values added from the top-up/transfer button.
- Lump Sum for Pensions are Initial Contribution field + values added from the top-up/transfer button.
- Lump Sum for mortgage is the deposit field.
- Retirements, Assurances and Equity Releases don’t have an initial currently on the report.
Frequency – Pensions, Investments and Assurance all load values from the frequency field on the product screens, mortgages and equity releases both load the default value of monthly and Retirements load the default value of not available.
Adviser Charge Amount – Totalled charges for the matched commissions to that individual policy.
Adviser Charge Source - Not currently available in Adviser Cloud.
Replacement or New Contract - Not currently available in Adviser Cloud.
Date of Application (Signed/Submitted) – Date submitted field on the products, can be edited.
Policy Start Date – Start date field on the product screen, can be edited.
Policy Document Issue Date - Not currently available in Adviser Cloud.
Lapsed Policies – Total Lapsed policies for that client. Edit the product and select the status Lapsed to count the lapsed policies automatically.
Policies Not Taken Up - Total policies not taken up for a client. Edit the product and select the status not taken up to count the lapsed policies automatically.
Type of Advice - This loads from the type of advice field on the creation of the policy or transaction.
The report filters on the Date Submitted of the policy.
If no Date Submitted date is entered the product won’t display on the report.
For information & help with navigating the reports section of adviser cloud please click here
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